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Naturopathic Medicine FAQs

What is naturopathic medicine?
Naturopathic medicine prioritizes preventing disease and delivers individualized holistic treatment aimed at improving overall health. To learn more, continue reading!

how is naturopathic medicine different from conventional medicine?
Naturopathic medicine is a distinct philosophy and practice from conventional medicine. The differences can be distilled down to four major aspects: naturopathic doctors are grounded in the six naturopathic principles, they utilize tools that naturopathic doctors are extensively trained in, they integrate these tools into care according to the therapeutic order, and they spend an extended amount of time working with their clients.

What are the six naturopathic principles?
1. First, do no harm
This is a principle that ALL doctors work to abide by. Naturopathic doctors aim to use the most natural, least toxic, and least invasive modalities with their clients.
2. The healing power of nature
Naturopathic doctors trust in the body’s innate ability to heal itself, and when indicated, utilize natural modalities such as nutrition, supplements, and herbs to further support the healing processes of the body and mind.
3. Identify and treat the causes
Naturopathic doctors work to uncover the true cause of illness so that recommendations can be tailored to best facilitate the client’s healing.
4. Doctor as teacher
The word doctor comes from the Latin word “docere”, which means “to teach”. Naturopathic doctors uphold the intention behind their title by educating their clients throughout their care.
5. Treat the whole person
Naturopathic doctors believe genuine health and wellness incorporates the whole person. It is imperative that they understand how all body systems are intricately connected and use this to inform recommendations, rather than simply treating specific symptoms.
6. Prevention
Naturopathic doctors focus on supporting clients in maintaining a healthy lifestyle so as to prevent disease processes from ever beginning. As they say “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

What is the therapeutic order?
The therapeutic order informs how naturopathic doctors progress through care. However, inherent to naturopathic medicine, each individual client and their health is unique, and their care may be non-linear. This may require your naturopathic provider to start somewhere on the therapeutic order other than number one or even two. Regardless, even if your naturopathic provider STARTS with recommendations further along the therapeutic order, they will often incorporate or plan for recommendations that are lower on the therapeutic order like establishing the foundations for optimal health and removing obstacles.

Why should I see a naturopathic doctor?
If you resonate with any of the following, a naturopathic doctor is likely right for you!
You want a doctor who will consider the whole you, not just your illness.
You’ve exhausted conventional medical doctors and their treatments, and nothing has worked.
You want a personalized set of recommendations.
You want to discover the root cause of your illness.
You want to be a more empowered and active participant in your own health.
You have chronic pain and don’t want to continue managing it forever with only pharmaceutical drugs.

What type of training do naturopathic doctors receive? Do all naturopaths receive the same training?
Naturopathic doctors receive training comparable to conventional medical doctors, with the addition of hundreds of hours training in botanical medicine, physical medicine, counseling, homeopathy, and nutrition. As licensed naturopathic doctors, we:
Attended a 4-year accredited naturopathic medical school where we completed a minimum of 4,100 hours of class, including over 1,200 hours of hands-on, supervised, naturopathic primary care clinical training.
Passed the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examinations (NPLEX), a two-part exam administered by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners (NABNE) that only students and graduates of accredited naturopathic programs are eligible to take.
Hold an active license in a state that offers licensure.
Complete continuing education credits to maintain a license in good standing.
Some states regulate the use of the terms “naturopath”, “naturopathic doctor”, and “naturopathic physician”; however, New Jersey is not currently one of those states. This means that these terms can be used by people who may not have completed the above training, examinations, or credentialing. Unlicensed naturopaths have education and experience which varies widely and is often received online or in correspondence format. It's important to note that these forms of education are not recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and these students are not eligible to take the NPLEX or apply for licensure by any regulated jurisdiction in North America. We believe it is important to be knowledgeable about the difference between licensed naturopathic doctors and unlicensed naturopaths so that you can make informed decisions on the type of provider who can best serve you.
"Naturopathic Medicine: FAQs." American Association of Naturopathic Physicians,

Can you be my primary care doctor?
While we are trained as primary care physicians, New Jersey does not currently offer licensure for naturopathic doctors. As such, we do not practice medicine in the state of New Jersey and cannot serve as your primary care physician. We always recommend our clients have a primary care provider on their care team.

Do you accept insurance?
We do not accept insurance and do not submit any paperwork to insurance on your behalf nor do we supply any paperwork for you to submit to your insurance.

Do you offer telehealth and in-person visits?
Yes, both providers offer telehealth and in-person visits. You may select whichever visit type is best for you. Fees do not differ between in-person or telehealth appointments. We see all clients regardless of physical location.
FAQ: Naturopthic Medicine
FAQ: 6 Principles
FAQ: Therapeutic order
FAQ: Insurance
FAQ: Why see a ND?
FAQ: ND Training
FAQ: naturopathic different from conventional
FAQ: Vitual to Physical Location
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